About Jessica Clay

Jessica is a competitive athlete and the President of Energize HNM, a health and nutrition marketing agency. Jessica is committed to supporting health brands of every size by helping them define their missions and connect with their customers on a deeper, more meaningful level.

Marketing Health Nutrition with Email Newsletter Content

Fly me to the Mooooon...

Some simple ways to improve your content that readers will look forward to receiving

Customers in any brand category have a short attention span, but none more so than those in the health and wellness space. If you are a pharmaceutical CMO, you know how difficult it is to achieve continued compliance with prescription refills. If you are marketing a natural health or sports and nutrition product, you are probably used to a customer base that comes and goes depending on market trends. It’s natural for people to become excited about doing something positive for their health only to get bored or forgetful just months later. As a marketer, your best defense against this extremely human trait is to keep the conversation going so that your product is always top of mind. Continue reading

5 Tips for Marketing Health and Nutrition to Millennials

Millennial Marketing

Understanding what motivates Millennial’s to make healthy choices could greatly impact your ability to market health and nutrition products to them

There’s a new generation of customers coming of age: the Millennials (born between 1980-2000).

Millennials are often defined as digital natives, so you would think this generation would naturally be healthier. The truth is, Millennials know a lot about healthy habits, but tend to ignore what they know. Instead, they are glued to their digital devices, they exercise less, they eat more fast food, and, being young, they do not make health a priority. Continue reading

How Social Media Trends Help Health Nutrition Marketing

Social media marketing continues to grow at a popular pace and should play a more significant role in health nutrition marketing

You have probably heard amazing stories of success and fame arising from social media marketing for music artists and even sports stars. Building awareness and appeal for health nutrition products works just the same. The right use of social platforms such as  Twitter and Facebook has the potential to create significant buzz from your brands followers and fans. Continue reading

Marketing Health Nutrition Using QR Codes

4 reasons QR codes are a fit for your market

Tech-weary marketers are skeptical about trying new tactics, and QR codes are one of those that are not always top of mind. Many assume that only a small group of tech-savvy consumers respond to QR codes, and the risks of using them incorrectly seem to outweigh the benefits. Continue reading

5 Favorite Web Marketing Tactics to Drive Traffic to Your Health and Nutrition Website

Drive Media Traffic

How to drive more visitors to your health and nutrition website without substantially increasing your marketing budget

Whether you are marketing a pharmaceutical brand or herbal and nutritional supplements, you have most likely put vast amounts of effort into creating a website that is informative and engaging. Unfortunately, if potential customers can’t find you, all of that hard work is wasted. Continue reading

4 Ways to Use Pinterest for Health Nutrition Marketing

Pinterest has many uses for health nutrition marketers

I’m the first to admit that, in the past, I never would have suggested that health and nutrition brands bother with Pinterest.com, the social website that allows users to “pin” videos and other content they like on a pinboard other users can rate. Pinterest is one of the newest social networking platforms, and the site itself forbids direct sales content. Like many marketers, I put it on my mental backburner, and I hadn’t thought about it since, until I read a recent article by Susan Gunelius. Continue reading

Nutrition Counseling and Marketing Health Nutrition

These nutrition “experts” could impact your bottom-line

I just stumbled upon an engrossing article written by Michael Ellsberg for Forbes Magazine. In this article, Ellsberg puts forth compelling evidence that the American Dietetic Association (ADA) is attempting to position their agency as the only legal provider of nutrition counseling by gaining legal control over the word “nutritionist” itself. Continue reading

Health Nutrition Marketing: Changing the way pharma sells

Some claim the future for pharma reps is freelance

We all know that the pharmaceutical industry is primed for change. Pipelines are shrinking, budgets are limited, and the way we’ve marketed in the past is simply not going to work in the future. The pharma industry is also notorious for being slow to adopt change, so a recent article written by Craig Sharp took me by surprise. In it, Sharp shares the predictions of Richie Bavasso (President of Exploria Sales Performance Solutions) from the 2012 Sales Force Excellence Europe Conference. Bavasso suggests that in 2012 pharmaceutical reps will start to freelance, working for a mix of pharmaceutical clients, not just one employer. Continue reading

Marketing Health Nutrition: Innovation in Energy Drinks

3 ways to differentiate your brand in a growing market

The energy drink market continues to grow at a steady pace worldwide, despite some concerns and a lot of bad press over inhuman high levels of caffeine and other stimulants. Although energy drinks were originally marketed as a way to enhance sports performance, typically they are now marketed to the casual consumer—particularly young people—who is just looking for a rush of energy and great taste. Continue reading

Continued Changes in Marketing Health Nutrition

A new sports drink may prove that ingredients still matter

For some time now, it seems the sports drink industry has been losing its focus on health. The main reason for this, of course, is that even sports drinks as popular and well-known as Gatorade have found themselves marketing to the “casual consumer” more often than the athletes they originally set out to satisfy. Continue reading