Marketing Health and Nutrition to Women: Using Customer Personas to Dig Deeper

Marketing Health and Nutrition to Women

Women make the vast majority of health and nutrition purchasing decisions, and they are much more likely to be the primary caregiver of children and elderly family members.1 It just makes sense for health and nutrition brands to understand how, why, and where they search for information.

Many health and wellness marketers lump all women into one huge category, making sweeping generalizations about their habits. Some of these stereotypes are particularly presumptive, such as, “Women want to be part of a club,” “Women make more emotional purchasing decisions than men,” or “Just make it pink.”

As a woman, an athlete and a marketing professional, I’m here to tell you there are dozens of categories of female consumers in the fitness industry alone. From Millenials to Baby Boomers, serious athletes to moms who are trying to shed a few pounds, outdoor enthusiasts to Soul Cycle enthusiasts: Women are not of one mind.

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How Customer Personas Can Help Market Your Health or Nutrition Brand

Brand Persona

Health and nutrition companies that want to connect with their target customers must stop generalizing about who their audience is and get real. Learning to define comprehensive Customer Personas is the first step.

Customer Personas are fictionalized characters that marketers use to bring audience segments to life. Personas dig deeper than traditional customer profiles, because they are based on research, industry insights and core customer values. For instance, rather than marketing to a woman in her 40’s, a health or nutrition brand that uses customer personas would market to Janelle, a 40-year-old office professional that works out 3 times a week, supports environmental causes and prefers cooking her own meals to dining out.
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Marketing Health Nutrition Products to Moms

graffiti johnson service center moms

4 ways moms use social media, and why you should care

Moms are constantly seeking advice and comparing their choices to those of other moms. Social Media provides the perfect platform for them to exchange this type of information. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter or any of the hundreds of other new social sites out there, moms are connecting at record rates.

80% of moms access social media sites to make their buying decisions. 70% of women make the healthcare decisions for their families. Combine those statistics, and it’s clear why Health Nutrition marketers should be targeting moms through social media.

Here are the 4 things you should know about what moms are doing online: Continue reading

Marketing Health Nutrition to Moms

Tips for speaking her language 

It is moms who almost exclusively make health and wellness decisions. Moms schedule doctors’ appointments, decide on treatment plans, and choose which foods and beverages will keep their families happy and healthy. But with all of this on their minds, getting their attention isn’t easy. 

Marketing Health and Nutrition to Women


The 3rd annual Marketing Health & Wellness to Women Conference is around the corner

It’s a fact that women account for 85% of all healthcare purchases, and they make the majority of healthcare decisions for their household. So, why do so many marketers in the pharma and health and wellness space still struggle with speaking in a language women can relate to? I could go on and on about the ways huge companies miss opportunities to market to women, but instead I can happily direct you to an event that will put you in touch with dozens of experts on the subject. Continue reading