Creating AdWords Campaigns for Your Health Nutrition Brand

SEO, Internet Marketing, AdWords

6 simple ways to improve your Google marketing ROI

I recently took a Google Marketing class to learn more about Search Engine Marketing (SEM) campaigns. I wasn’t there to learn how to create a campaign—though the refresher on best practices was nice. My main goal was to make sure I was spending my clients’ dollars wisely. Some brands have large budgets and others have very small budgets, but they all want the best return on investment. So, I wondered, how much money does it take to run a really effective Google AdWords campaign?

The answer: You don’t have to spend a lot of money on Google pay-per-click advertising, but you do have to invest the time to make sure you have the right strategy.

Here are 6 ways to create a more successful AdWords campaign:

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Organic SEO Marketing for Health Nutrition Brands


4 ways creating natural content is like selling organic products

As Health Nutrition marketers we don’t often consider the difference between SEO and organic SEO, but it’s important to remember they are not the same thing. Basic SEO is about manipulating content to ensure that search engines can read it. Organic SEO is about writing quality, targeted content to ensure that the right people read it. It’s like comparing brand name tomatoes to the organic varieties. They share similarities, but the natural approach always results in a more satisfying product. Here are 4 reasons the same is true for organic SEO:

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The Importance of Content Marketing in Health Nutrition Marketing

4 tips for creating content that will bolster your brand

Content marketing is an idea most marketers are beginning to feel comfortable with, but what many brand managers don’t realize is that there is a lot more to it than a couple of generic blog posts and social media status updates. Content marketing efforts need to be consistent, focused and most of all engaging.

What is exactly the purpose of content marketing? The main goal is to connect with your customers outside of traditional selling tactics. In the past, marketers blasted their customers with messages that told them what to think and what to buy, and sometimes it backfired. Content marketing strives to position your brand as an expert in its industry, and offers your customers something for interacting with your brand—relevant, engaging content.

Consumers now spend as much time consuming content as they do sleeping or working, so providing that content is a smart way to connect with them and build trust for your Health Nutrition Marketing brand. The idea is to win customers without pitching your brand. Here are 4 tips that can make your content marketing efforts more successful:

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Marketing your Health Nutrition website with quality backlinks

Use SEO tips to get you started

If you think quality, keyword-rich content is enough to rank high with search engines, think again. Backlinks are now a necessity, and if you don’t have them, you run the risk of being invisible to web crawlers. Continue reading

SEO Strategy for Health Nutrition Marketing

not quite clear on the concept

Over the years, SEO has become an art form, because it is critical for ensuring traffic from search engines

In its simplest form, SEO is deciding which phrase or search words your customer uses to find information similar to yours. This is called keyword search. But there’s more to SEO than finding the right keywords, so it is critical to develop a comprehensive SEO strategy. Continue reading